10 questions with Kristen Dransfield
1. Who do you work for?
Sustainable Timber Tasmania
2. What is your role?
Senior Forest Officer – Forest Management
3. How long have you been in the industry?
I’ve worked in the industry for 10 years.
4. What’s the most exciting part of your role?
The most exciting part is the diversity of my role, which ranges from Forest Practices Planning for both plantations and native forests, to managing the Weed Control Program, being part of the Incident Management Team during the fire season and involvement on the safety and Environment Committee.
5. What are you most passionate about in the industry?
My passion lies with hardwood plantations and the future opportunities they represent. I am proud to work in an industry that implements good forest practices and value adding – backed by sound scientific research trials such as those conducted by the University of Tasmania’s ARC Centre for Forest Value and the National Institute for Forest Products Innovation. These trials capitalise on future market opportunities through the development of a diverse range of products from hardwood eucalypt plantations.
6. What is your vision for the forest and forest products industry in Tasmania?
My vision is for an industry based on innovation and value adding on a local scale as well as being globally recognised and having sought-after products, backed by FSC certification. I also hope to see innovation relating to better utilisation of forest residues, particularly in the South of the state.
7. What do you think the industry does really well?
I think the industry has shown continual improvement and strives for excellence in forest management and innovation in the development of forest products.
8. Where do you think there is room for improvement?
I think there needs to be more education around what we do. The forest industry involves so much more that cutting down trees, which I have found to be a common public perception. Education about what is involved in the forest industry is vital for this perception to change, and for the industry to become more widely accepted.
9. On a weekend, we’d find you where?
In my garden or spending time with my 3 and 7-year-old daughters.
10. What is something that would surprise people about you?
I was an ice hockey player when I was younger. I played for South Australia from 1995 to 2000 and represented the Australian women’s team in the USA in 1999. I love the skill involved and the pace of the game and although I no longer play, I still love to skate.