10 Questions with Therese Taylor
1. What is your role?
I am the Convener of the Tasmanian Forests and Forests Product Network (TFFPN).
2. Who do you work for?
I work for the Tasmanian Forests and Forests Products Network (TFFPN) Board.
3. How long have you been in the industry?
This position is my first role in the Tasmanian forest industry. I commenced this position 18 months ago.
Previously, I have worked across government, private and community sectors. I have held a number of senior executive roles in Government. I was also CEO of the community organisation Colony 47. I currently work as a consultant and hold a number of board directorships.
4. What’s the most exciting part of your role?
I think all of my role as Convener is exciting for a number of reasons. It is a privilege to be able to establish a new organisation which brings together all sectors within the forests and forest products industry – from those who plant trees in the ground through to those who design and work in wood.
The opportunities for collaboration, cooperation and better community engagement and understanding are endless. I think the Network is well placed to bring members of the forest and forest products industry together to play an increasingly important role in the future of a sustainable forest industry in Tasmania.
5. What about the Network are you most passionate about?
I am passionate about how the Network is strongly member driven. Work is done through our member working groups. I am passionate about how the Network is a grassroots organisation. We wear this as a badge of honour. One of our aims is to build pride within the industry. Our purpose and how we work is for the members and driven by the members.
I am also passionate about what I have learnt about the forest industry in this state, and witness the lifetime of dedication, training, professionalism, and values of the people who work in it. These people truly want a world class sustainable industry here in Tasmania.
6. What is your vision for the Forest and Forest Products industry in Tasmania?
My vision is for the industry to be supported in reaching its goal to be a world class industry. I believe this support should come through greater supply of product, being recognized by other industries and funders as one of the key economic drivers of Tasmania, and community support. I also see those working in the industry building a culture of pride and supporting the Tasmanian forestry brand on a world-wide market.
7. What do you think the Industry does really well?
I think that the industry is open to new technologies and innovation. Companies, businesses and organisations are all looking for ways to better improve their forest practices through embracing new technologies and being open and innovative.
8. Where do you think there is room for improvement?
I think there are two ways the industry can improve. I think we need to focus on working together and communicating to the public what a modern forest industry in Tasmania looks like. It seems as through there is very little education in the community about the renewable nature of the forest industry in Tasmania.
9. On a weekend, we’d find you where?
On a weekend, you would find me in my house on Bruny Island – on the beach, gardening, cooking, spending time family and friends.
10. What is something that would surprise people about you?
In April this year, I am walking the Kokoda Track for 9 days to raise money for medical research for Tasmanians. To find out more about my trek, or to donate, you can visit https://anzackokoda2020trek.gofundraise.com.au/ and go to my fundraising page.