Applications now open for further assistance for bushfire affected businesses

Applications are now open for Concessional Business Recovery Loans, of up to $100,000 and Bushfire Business Recovery Grants of up to $25,000 for businesses affected by the recent bushfires in the Huon Valley, Central Highlands, West Coast and Derwent Valley council areas.
These grants will assist businesses cover loss of assets and income, and are in addition to the initial $2,000 business disruption grants which assisted small businesses with immediate bill and cost stresses.

It is estimated that 500 local businesses may have been directly or indirectly affected by this summer’s fires, some of which would struggle to come back without assistance.

These grants and loans are an important step in the recovery of local communities and will assist local economies reboot to ensure jobs remain in our local towns and regions.

The Bushfire Business Recovery Grants and Concessional Business Recovery Loans will contribute to business recovery, ongoing viability, and supporting jobs in the local economy.

Applications close on 31 March 2019.

Bushfire Business Recovery Grant and Concessional Business Recovery Loan application information is available at Business Tasmania’s website at

Media Release – 1 March 2019

Will Hodgman, Premier

Peter Gutwein, Treasurer