Network forms Workforce Skills Working Group
The National Agricultural Labour Advisory Committee has been established by the Commonwealth Government to deliver a National Agricultural Workforce Strategy.
Consultations have been held around Australia and Network members have been involved in the Tasmanian consultation regarding skill requirements in the forest industry of the future
Submissions to this Strategy are due on August 3 and the Network will be working with members to submit to this important strategy.
More broadly this has raised the issue regarding the skill requirements of the industry into the future and strategies to attract and retain workers.
To this end the Network has decided to establish a Workforce Skills Working Group. As with all our Working Groups members are welcome to nominate to this Group.
The purpose of the Group will be to work towards the development of a Workforce Development Strategy in the forest industry. This important strategy will assist with the culture of attracting, retaining and skilling workers within the industry to ensure a competitive and competent workforce.
Please contact us if you would like to nominate to the Group.