Forest Facts

Tasmania’s total land mass is approximately 6 810 000 hectares, of which 3 354 000 hectares is forested.
53 per cent of all Tasmania’s forests (and 58.2 per cent of Tasmania’s native forests) are protected in reserves. This includes 87 per cent of Tasmania’s old growth forests. Tasmania’s plantation forests are predominantly in private ownership and comprises approximately 75 per cent hardwood and 25 per cent soft wood.

Sources: State of the Forests Tasmania, 2017

Link/s [external]

  • Forest Facts are further detailed on the TFFPN Website
  • Department of State Growth provides advice on forest policy and implementation, provides regulatory services around forest practices and support and promote the private forest industry.
  • Private Forests Tasmania provides information to help people understand farm foresty.
  • Forest Practices Authority Tasmania manages the Tasmanian forest practices system on both public and private land, based on the Forest Practices Act 1985.
  • Tasmanian Forestry is a website that explores the stories, facts and information behind Tasmania’s innovative and ever changing forestry indutry.