Weeds Action Fund Update
In the 2018-19 State Budget, the Government announced the creation of a new Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund (WAF) of $5 million over five years commencing in 2018.
The funds provided by the WAF will be invested with farmers and other community organisations to tackle high priority weeds that are impacting on valuable agricultural and environmental assets.
Delivery of the WAF will be across two stages – Stage One is now complete and provided a total of $140,000 in small grants of between $1000 to $5000.
The second stage is currently being developed and will see the roll-out the remaining funds from 2019-20 through to 2022-23.
Stage Two will also involve the appointment of a Coordinator, who will assist with the delivery of the WAF and work with project proponents.
Applications for the next round of funding of approximately $1.1 million are expected to be invited early in 2020. Further information will be provided as it becomes available.
More information about the WAF, including FAQs and a priority weeds list can be found at