The TFFPN is administered and operated by those who rely on the industry for their jobs or who have an intrinsic connection to the industry.

Membership is open to all those across the value chain who care about sustainable forestry, its positive contribution to the natural environment and the economic wellbeing it can generate, especially in rural and regional Tasmania.

The TFFPN does not seek to replace or diminish the role of other organisations which represent the interests of individual industry sectors.

The TFFPN has been registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee (ABN: 32624613163). As a not-for-profit company it is also eligible for registration with ACNC.

The Constitution states the four objectives of  the TFFPN are to:

  • Increase active community support for the industry (i.e., social licence);
  • Expand the industry’s skill base and development of sustainable career pathways;
  • Enhance a rationalised, affordable regulatory system; and
  • Develop a positive investment environment.

A Board of Governance has been established and directors elected by the members for a period of up to 3 years. Additionally, up to two directors can be appointed by the elected board.

The current Directors of TFFPN are:

  • Prof. Julianne O’Reilly-Wapstra (Chair)
  • Brodie Frost (Deputy Chair)
  • Amanda Sharman (Treasurer)
  • Francis Richardson
  • David Milne
  • Andrew Morgan
  • Dr Louise Wallis

The Board sets the strategic direction for the TFFPN, monitor performance against that direction and ensure it makes a strong contribution to the future of the industry.  The Board numbers will be kept to a manageable number, while at the same time ensuring that the Board has the relevant skills to perform its functions.

The Board convenes Reference Groups, from time to time , through an expression of interest to TFFPN members to provide policy advice to government , or any other request or strategic goal the Board has a requirement to meet.