Second Forest Industry Roundtable with Minister Barnett Welcomed by Industry
The second Forest Industry Roundtable with Minister Barnett was held on Wednesday 15th July.
The Roundtable gave 25 industry representatives an opportunity to update the Minister and each other on current issues facing their business and the industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The industry had also prepared an Industry Recovery Action Plan which it presented to the Minister. The Plan was practical and wide ranging and would assist the Industry in the short term and the longer terms as the economy begins to open up.
The Roundtable also gave the Minister, Department of State Growth and a representative of PERSAC the opportunity to give feedback to the industry initiatives and actions under consideration.
The industry has signalled support for the Roundtable process as a way for the Forest Industry and the Government to respond quickly together and take a collaborative approach to the recovery phase for the industry.
Download the Industry Recovery Action Plan HERE