Tasmanian Visiting Architects Program
Recently, the Tasmanian Government launched the inaugural Tasmanian Visiting Architects Program. Over the three-day visit, three partners and a major client of the highly influential Sydney-based architectural firm Fitzpatrick+Partners were in the state to meet with our forest managers, tour work sites with our processors, and visit inspirational buildings featuring Tasmanian timber. Importantly, they were able to see for themselves the way our forests are managed to ensure ongoing sustainability balanced with the necessary levels of supply to meet current and future needs in delivering modern, energy efficient and environmentally friendly buildings.
The Visiting Architects Program will build lasting relationships between our local timber industry and Australia’s leading architectural firms, and have Australia’s most influential architects become ambassadors for Tasmanian timber. The intention is to drive a renewed focus on high-quality Tasmanian wood for use in construction, housing, furniture and design – initially across Australia and then the world.
The Visiting Architects Program is an important part of the Tasmanian Government’s Trade Strategy Annual Action Plan 2019-20 and is its first major initiative in the domestic market. It is also a key initiative under our Strategic Growth Plan for the Tasmanian Forests, Fine Timber and Wood Fibre Industry to meet our goal to double the industry’s value add by 2036. The Tasmanian Government remains committed to sustainable forestry, and will continue to work closely with the industry to increase market demand for high quality Tasmanian timber.
This is a new program, and could not have gone ahead without the generous contributions received from the forest and timber industry. The Tasmanian Government thanks all who were involved in the program for their efforts.