Timber Framing – The Ultimate Renewable™

The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) is proud to launch a new education and promotion campaign called ‘Timber Framing – The Ultimate Renewable™’ which will communicate and promote the many benefits of using renewable timber framing products to our valued supply chain partners, builders and consumers, Chief Executive Officer of AFPA, Mr Ross Hampton said today.

Mr Hampton said, “Timber framing has a category leading position with over 80 per cent of the market, those of us involved in our renewable timber industries have understood for a long time how incredible a product timber is and the positive environmental and socio-economic impacts it has. It’s great to see this new education and promotion campaign on the benefits of timber framing reaching out across our supply chain to builders and consumers.”

The ‘Timber Framing – The Ultimate Renewable™’ messaging was developed in close alignment with Forest & Wood Products Australia’s ‘The Ultimate Renewable™’ and ‘WoodSolutions™’ programs but with a focus on timber framing products.

The centrepiece of the campaign is a ‘Timber Framing – The Ultimate Renewable’ website that includes the details of the many benefits of using renewable timber framing, builders and specifier’s testimonials, find-a-manufacturer function, and industry collaboration and assets.

The website also details twelve reasons why more Australian home builders & owners choose renewable timber framing, including being proven and popular; durable and termite treated; fast to assemble; strong, stable and quiet; renewable and responsibly sourced; has low embodied energy; and stores carbon from the atmosphere to name a few.

“Timber is a proven and popular renewable framing material that provides comfort and security for hundreds of thousands of Australian homes. Timber house frames are responsibly sourced and store carbon for life, absorbed from the atmosphere by a growing tree. When timber for framing is manufactured today it’s replanted for tomorrow. That’s why timber is the ultimate framing material,” Mr Hampton concluded.

More information on ‘Timber Framing – The Ultimate Renewable™’ can be found at www.woodsolutions.com.au/framing


Media Contact: Jonathan Hawkes
Senior Communications Manager
(m) 0497 497 005 (e) jonathan.hawkes@ausfpa.com.au