Update from Minister Barnett

The Tasmanian Liberal Government recognises that the forestry sector will be a leader in our state’s recovery from COVID19.

Which is why the Premier announced we will be delivering the most aggressive construction program in Tasmania’s history.

The Government will be bringing forward our $3.7 billion infrastructure program with job creating construction projects including affordable houses, maintenance on schools and Government buildings, regional roads, bridges and dams prioritised.

This strategy will provide an immediate injection into the economy and help create jobs across the forestry sector through supply chain demand.

This strategy has been informed by extensive stakeholder consultation including the recent Forestry Industry Round Table, which identified that investing in building and construction will have a significant flow on effect for the sector, creating demand for product and giving businesses the surety they need to protect Tasmanian jobs.

The Premier will announce the re-profiled construction and infrastructure program within coming weeks. This will be the first major step in our rebuild program.

During this time of recovery and rebuild we will also be backing business to do what they do best – investing, innovating, and most importantly employing their fellow Tasmanians.

The Government understands that key production and export sectors such as forestry, underpin our economy, create thousands of jobs and support rural and regional communities.

Along with construction and forestry, we will focus on agriculture, aquaculture, renewable energy, advanced manufacturing, our visitor economy, skills and education, as well as trade.

To support Tasmanian businesses and communities during this time, the Tasmanian Government announced our second round support package, which sits alongside the Federal Government package.

For specific information on business support grants and loans, please refer to the Business Tasmania website www.business.tas.gov.au or call them direct on 1800 440 026.  Information on the Federally, you can access information at www.business.gov.au

Aurora and TasWater have also implemented assistance schemes and information is available on their websites.

As a long-time advocate of the Forestry Industry, I will continue to work on your behalf and represent the sector, including continuing to work closely with the Federal Government.