Welcome to 2021
Welcome to 2021!
The Network is looking forward to working with you to promote better communication, collaboration and success across the whole of the forest industry in Tasmania.
We know that 2020 had a significant disruptive effect on the Tasmanian economy and community. Covid-19 , market issues and flow on effects of bushfires had wide ranging effects on the forest industry in Tasmania. However during this time, we also saw resilience, innovation and determination in the forest industry and The Network was there to support members and Partners through its ongoing communication and support initiatives.
During 2021 the Network will continue to work with Partners and members to increase communication, collaboration and working together to build outcomes and pride within the industry and greater community knowledge and support of the industry.
The 2021 calendar already has a number of highlights , including – AGFEST (May 6th – 8th), The Tasmanian Timber Awards (September 22nd).
The TFFPN Board will continue to drive strategic priorities of :
- Increasing the number of financial Partners from across all sectors of the forest industry;
- Grow membership of The Network . Including workers within the forest industry and also increase the broader community of supporters;
- Increase regional functions, including seminars, workshops, industry visits;
- Maintain Working Groups to work on high level issues across the industry;
- Work cooperatively with other bodies to increase community understanding and support for the Tasmanian forest industry;
- Profile the narrative of the workers and industry innovation.
We look forward to working with you during 2021.