Tasmanian Forest Industries Virtual Forum – Spotlight on Opening Keynote Speaker, Morris Miselowski

Morris Miselowski unleashes possibilities for businesses by breaking with convention.

For over 30 years he’s influenced the thinking of some of the world’s biggest organisations and brands to see what tomorrow might look like – long before they experience it.

Morris will deliver the opening Keynote Presentation for the Tasmanian Forest Industry Virtual Forum, being held on Thursday 19th November from 12pm – 2:30pm, titled ‘Reimagining the Future of Tasmanian Forestry’.

Session outline: 2020 has been a watershed year for humanity, as collectively, we’ve been forced to react with uncertainty to the relentless necessity to evolve life, love and business.

To weather the global storm, the impossible had to become immediately possible, as we hurriedly cobbled together new temporary practices, technologies and ways of doing things.

The time has now come to learn from our past, review our present and actively decide our future.

Morris Miselowski, global business futurist, will explore Tasmanian Forestry’s world ahead, the future demands for its products and what the world needs and expects from the industry.

Registration for the Virtual Forum is open to all, and FREE for all TFFPN members!

Find out more and register HERE