Forest Industry Fire Management Committee (FIFMC) highlights 2022/23 fire season efforts

Darryn Crook, Chair of the Forest Industry Fire Management Committee (FIFMC), has highlighted the dedication of the forest managers and their contractors within Tasmania during the recently concluded 2022/23 fire season.

FIFMC, serving as a platform for forest managers across Tasmania, remains dedicated to ensuring forest fire safety and prevention within both public and private forested land areas.

Despite the challenges posed by the fire season, which saw several fires ignited by acts of arson, the collective efforts of FIFMC members have resulted in a great outcome.

Wetter and cooler than average conditions prevailed across the forest estate area, contributing to a relatively quiet fire season. A total of 171 hectares were affected by bushfires, necessitating more than 3,000 hours of firefighting activities.

FIFMC recognises the significance of sharing pertinent statistics to showcase the level of resourcing and commitment invested by the forest industry in fire prevention and suppression. The following table and graphic to the right provide a summary of the 2022/23 fire season metrics:

FIFMC 2022/2023 Fire Season Metrics
Trained Firefighters (No) 210 59 269
Equipment (No)
Heavy Tankers 15 8 23
Light Tankers 79 20 99
Aircraft 28 1 29
Fire Towers/Cameras (No) 11 2 13
Number of Bushfires attended 30 17 47
land burnt by bushfires (hectares) 118 53 171
Hours of general Firefighting activities 2,466 589 3,055
Hours of standby activity (including contractors) 34,451 6,684 41,135

Note: STT aircraft 24 helicopters and 4 fixed-wing (as part of the inter-agency resource through NAFC and CWN). STT numbers apply to PTPZ Land.

FIFMC members and their contractors diligently participated in fire prevention, suppression and standby activities throughout the fire season. Their dedication and collaborative spirit have undoubtedly assisted in safeguarding Tasmania’s forest resources.

For more information about the FIFMC visit: