Agfest 2024: TFFPN Forest Industries Site
We’re back!
Join us at the Agfest Forest Industries Site, hosted by the Tasmanian Forests and Forest Products Network, this year from 2-4 May.
Our site will comprise more than a dozen site sharers from across and around the forest industry, as well as free events open to the public (see below).
You will find us on Eighth Avenue at site 809-13 – just look for the forest of trees!
Our site sharers this year are:
- ActivAcre
- Australian Forest and Wood Innovation (AFWI) / Centre for Sustainable Architecture with Wood (CSAW)
- Forest Education Foundation
- Forest Practices Authority
- Forico
- Indicium Dynamics
- Pentarch Forestry
- Private Forests Tasmania
- Reliance Forest Fibre
- Rural Alive and Well
- Sustainable Timber Tasmania
- Tasmanian Forests and Forest Products Network
- Timberlink
What’s On?
A number of free public events will be held onsite over the three days from 2 – 4 May. These events – held by site sharers – are designed to be informative and celebrate the work of the sector. An exciting new initiative is an Industry Careers Training Hub (see more details on this below).
This year’s site will feature a life-sized eagle’s nest, interactive wall, class 3 fire truck, a mini forest, a ‘Grow your own Christmas tree’ station, giveaways, events and more!
Thursday 2nd May:
11am – Private Forests Tasmania Morning Tea
Launch for Tree Alliance Knowledge Hub, and announcing the successful grant recipients for their Stems for CO2Grant Program.
The Knowledge Hub is a new digital resource for Tasmanian landowners to explore the “hows” and “whys” of planting trees on farms, including how trees can help them prepare for the future. It has been developed by PFT using a grant from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund with the contributions, knowledge and support of Australia’s leading forestry experts.
The Stems for CO2 Grant Program – supported by Renewables, Climate and Future Industries Tasmania – is a $450,000 co-investment to support successful applicants with establishment costs to integrate trees into their agricultural enterprise.
2pm – Forest Practices Authority – Launch of the Forest Practices Awards 2024
Join the Forest Practices Authority for the launch of their 2024 Forest Practices Awards. These awards are presented by the Board of the FPA to recognise excellence in the Tasmanian forest practices system.
Careers Training Hub organisations – Migrant Resource Centre North and TasTAFE
Friday 3rd May:
Careers Training Hub organisation – Arbre
Saturday 4th May:
Careers Training Hub organisations – Tradeswomen Australia and Timber Training Creswick
Careers Training Hub Participating Organisations
Arbre Forest Industries Training and Careers Hub was established by industry for industry in 2016 with a mission to design and facilitate training and career education opportunities for the Tasmanian forest industry. Their collaborate with industry to develop and facilitate the delivery of training and partner with schools and colleges to shape dynamic career education and work experience opportunities.
TasTAFE has a new offering this year – TASMSS0241-V01 Forestry Leadership Skill Set, A pilot skill set to grow the skills and knowledge of forestry industry employees to become future leaders. Developed with industry, the Forestry Leadership Skill Set is an opportunity for organisations to create real pathways and careers in the forestry industry and is currently being delivered to 20 participants.
Trades Women Australia is working to support more women into traditionally male dominated trades. There aim is to make women and gender diverse people feel safe, secure and comfortable in every workplace and able to participate in a career of their choice. The are also focused on supporting industries who are facing skills shortages to fill their empty roles with a largely untapped workforce – women!!
Migrant Resource Centre Northern Tasmania has been working to assist newcomers settle and effectively participate in all aspects of life since 1982. They are based in Launceston and with outreach to the North-West, MRC serves as an arrival center for migrants and refuges. For over four decades, MRCN has been guiding migrants and refugees on their settlement journey, offering case management, information and referral services. MRCN also provides various individual and community-building programs including employment and training programs including cultural awareness and humility training for employers and industry.
Timber Training Creswick (RTO ID 4168) is a specialist training provider for forestry, sawmilling, and timber processing industries. Established in Victoria in 1996, with an office in Tasmania since 2019, TTC supports a wide range of nationally accredited training across all certificate levels for the Tasmanian forest industry.
For more information, contact the TFFPN.