10 Questions with Tori Cleaves
1. What is your role?
Export Coordinator & Systems Compliance
2. Who do you work for?
Wood Based Products (WBP)
3. How long have you been in the industry?
Since April 2018. I’ve been working for WBP since January 2019. I was first employed in the industry to scale and build inventory and reporting spreadsheets.
I was hired by Wood Based Products for yard and account reporting, QA compliance relating to contracts, to complete and collate documentation for export, and to help build, implement, and manage PEFC Chain of Custody and Safety Management Systems.
4. What’s the most exciting part of your role?
How quickly things can change, and the challenges that come with that. We’ve also worked on a number of trials and its exciting to see those be a success, because at different times they provide another avenue for logs.
5. What are you most passionate about in the industry?
The people (big fan of the logs too).
6. What is your vision for The forest and Forest Products industry in Tasmania?
Value adding to Tasmania’s forests and increased domestic processing. Looking forward to new technologies and efficiencies in the supply chain.
7. What do you think the Industry does really well?
There is a big focus on innovation, longevity of the industry and ensuring Tasmania can compete in the international market. The forest managers have impressive traineeship programs, and while I didn’t go through one, I’ve been incredibly grateful for the many people who’ve offered advice, knowledge, and support.
8. Where do you think there is room for improvement?
We are looking for continuous improvement, and to market Tasmania for new opportunities.
9. On a weekend, we’d find you where?
Usually with my partner or friends, sometimes with a spreadsheet, but if I get a nap in on a Sunday I’m pretty happy.
10. What is something that would surprise people about you?
Not bad with a .22