Employing an Apprentice or Trainee

Employing an apprentice or trainee is a great way to attract workers to your organisation and to support them in their training. An apprenticeship or traineeship is an employment arrangement between an employer and an employee that provides formal on-the-job training that can lead to a nationally recognised qualification.

There are many qualifications in Tasmania that can be delivered under the apprenticeship model and that will attract government funding to support the training and to recognise the cost to the employer in lower productivity whist the employee is training.

What to do Why do it How to do it

1. Know your obligations

There are a number of responsibilities an employer has when hiring an apprentice. These include training requirements, WHS, & wages.

  • Skills Tasmania has comprehensive information on apprenticeships and traineeships in Tasmania including those that attract funding.
  • The Australian Government provides information on hiring an apprentice or trainee, understanding employer obligations and where to find support.
  • The Tasmanian Traineeship and Apprenticeship Committee (TTAC) sets policies and guidelines for apprenticeships.
  • Workforce Training Consultants are employed by Skills Tasmania to provide advice, assistance and guidance to employers and employees about the conditions of entering and maintaining an apprenticeship.
Skills Tasmania

Australian Government

Tasmanian Traineeship and Apprenticeship Committee (TTAC)

Workforce Training Consultants

2. Find a potential candidate

There are a number of ways to find your candidate. You can advertise, work with an employment provider, or use your network.

  • An Australian Apprenticeship Support Network Provider, such as MAS National and MEGT will provide support and guidance in recruiting, qualifications, training providers and the paperwork required in employing an apprentice or trainee.
  • Arbre Forest Industries Training & Careers Hub delivers a number of programs providing pathways into the Tasmanian forest industry.
  • Workforce Australia is a government employment service open to all Australian individuals and businesses and offers businesses a recruitment service.
  • Jobs Tasmania is a government initiative that works with communities and business to increase employment outcomes, workforce participation and training for all Tasmanians.
  • A Group Training Organisation (GTO) will help you find a apprentice or trainee to fit your business needs.
MAS National


Arbre Training & Careers Hub

Workforce Australia

Jobs Tasmania

GTO Information

3. Choose a training partner

A registered training organisation will work with you and your new employee to deliver the training. The FWP – Forest and Wood Products Training Package contains the main Vocational Qualifications for the Tasmanian forest industry. 

  • Skills Tasmania details the qualifications approved for apprenticeships and traineeships in Tasmania including: Certificates II, III, IV and Diploma in Forest Operations.
  • Skills Tasmania provides a list of Endorsed Registered Training Organisations who can deliver either the full qualifications or units from the FWP training package in Tasmania and access funding for this training.
Tasmanian Apprenticeship/Traineeship Qualifications

FWP Forest and Wood Products Training Package.

  • Select a qualification, skill set or unit from the list.
  • Select Find RTOs approved to deliver this qualification.
  • You can filter to those who deliver in Tasmania.

Endorsed RTOs for Tasmania

4. Sign a training contract

A training contract outlining the obligations is required and will also allow you to access funding to support your apprentice or trainee. This contract must be undertaken through an Australian Apprenticeship Support Network Provider, such as MAS National and MEGT and is then registered with Skills Tasmania. MAS National


5. Commence training

You have found the right person and have all of the paperwork signed you can now get started on your apprenticeship or traineeship. If you have any questions along the way, contact your Apprenticeship Support Network Provider, or Workforce Training Consultants for advice and assistance. MAS National


Workforce Training Consultants

Link/s [external]

  • Skills Tasmania Apprenticeship and Traineeships – This webpage has information on the available qualifications, how to employ an apprentice, along with a wealth of other information.
  • Australian Apprenticeship Support Network – is the first point of contact for all queries about apprenticeships and fund Apprenticeship Network Providers contracted in Tasmania to provide personalised advice and support to employers on apprenticeships from pre-commencement to completion.
  • MAS National – Is an Apprenticeship Network Provider for Tasmania with offices throughout the state. They can also be contacted by calling their hotline on 1300 627 628.
  • MEGT – Is an Apprenticeship Network Provider for Tasmania with offices throughout the state. They can be contacted by calling their hotline on 13 6963.