PF Olsen Australia provides independent, unbiased services to a wide range of clients involved in the management of rural land throughout Australia. Our team of experienced and committed professionals work across the supply chain in forestry and agriculture.

Our services include:
• Managing softwood and hardwood plantations.
• Managing agricultural operations.
• Harvesting and marketing of forest and agricultural products from these operations for domestic processing and export.
• Protecting assets from fire and other damage agents.
• Managing for conservation objectives within client owned properties, on areas which are excluded from production and managed primarily for ecosystem services.
• Providing specialist consultancy services to assist in the management of risk (including health and safety, environmental and commercial risk) in the forestry and agriculture industries.

PF Olsen Australia is a wholly owned subsidiary of the PF Olsen Group, which is the largest independent forest management services provider across New Zealand and Australia. We manage approximately 250,000 hectares of land and handle approximately 3.5 million tonnes of wood every year.

Because we do not own land, forests or processing plants and engage third party specialist contracting businesses to prepare sites, harvest and haul crops, our advice is truly independent.